The Story of Our Stuff

What's the story of your stuff? Tell us about your antiques, memorabilia and the odd, interesting or truly unique items in your collection and we just may tell the Story of Your Stuff on a future episode of Auction Talk Radio. Email us your story!

Pro Bono - Themed Edition of ATR!

The Capitol of Car Culture, An Auction that will have Hearts Racing..

CMarket's Bidding for good.

A Sci -Fi Legend Helps Rope in a Country Star for a Good Cause!

A Surfing Rock Star's Water Works?

Serious Poker Players and Celebrities are going to be All in at the Playboy Mansion..

All this and more in this epiosde of ATR!

10.4 mb, MP3 file

ATR is OTR! New Podcast Means We're Back "On The Air"

Well, we can now really say that Auction Talk Radio is back, since our bit of ersatz radio via the ol' www means ATR's once again "on the air."

To hear the complete episode, click here.
8 mb, MP3 file

(We may have a quiz later, so take notes, okay?)

In this edition of "Auction Talk Radio"....

*Sellers' Strike II or Boycott Blues?

*Just 'cause you're off eBay doesn't mean your auctions have to be offline!

*Fakes, Frauds, and Phishing, oh my!



As we note in the podcast, Frank reviewed four online platforms eBayers may want to consider as alternate auction sales venues should they choose to participate in the upcoming boycott: (OLA)

A few notes:

We'll also have the text of Frank's Rant up here soon.

At 23+ minutes in length, we'll concede this 'cast ran way long, but we had a lot to cover. Future 'casts will be under 20 minutes. On that note, constraints of time (really) meant we didn't get the chance to touch on a story about an online classified site targeting Craigslist. We'll have an outline of this on our main page Monday and more about it in our next podcast. Look for that April 1st - no foolin'!


Now that we're back up again, you're likely wondering about the "radio" aspect of Auction Talk RADIO. ANYBODY can put up a few bits of text and call their site a blog, right? True that. With our stated goals for the evolution of this enterprise, getting a new series of 'casts produced, regularly posted and available for you is a paramount priority. Yet producing a podcast requires a bit more in the way of equipment and time than does crafting our daily take on some of the news in and of the auction culture, at least by our standards.

Though it takes very little for anyone to make a podcast, our goal is to bring you something you can't get from just anyone: a professional, well-produced, informative and, we hope, entertaining audio presentation.

As can be clearly heard here, we haven't always been entirely successful to this end. Having, as we did, to sequester studio time when it became available, some our archived audio was recorded with less deliberation than we'd have otherwise liked.

Now that we're back at this, we aim to display an evolution in all that we present here, espcially our podcasts. Look for a new ATRcast sometime in the next week or so, at the latest. You deserve nothing less than our best.

(We got that last line right out of the book, "How to Kiss Up to Your Customers," now in paperback.)

More drop-off drama, Frozen O.J., Online sellers and the Tax gap

In this episode:

We continue our ongoing discussion of the troubles brewing for some in the online consignment (or drop-off) store business.

With this year's taxes done (you DID get them done, yes?), we'll tell you why this year could be a more taxing one for online sellers.

The latest development on the Simpson book auction saga is "Frozen O.J."

And what legendary superstar hitmaker had to go to eBay to buy back his own Grammy Award?

All this and more in the extended edition of "Auction Talk Radio"

(P.S.: For Jin in China - this one's for you!)

To hear the complete episode, click here.
10.4 mb, MP3 file

McCartney is eBay Power Stella & Planned Head Games at eBay Live

Sell-out of designer Stella McCartney's fashion line has some Aussie shoppers mad at eBay and Target

Disappointing price for Mariah's legs is maddening

A U.S. judge ordered rights to controversial O.J. book auctioned within 30 days - you know someone's mad about it

Some Brits are mad, as Anya Hindmarch canvas bags worth five-pounds are selling for designer prices on eBay!

Now this is a Jedi mind trick! "My forehead + your logo at eBay live 2007?" Is she mad?

All this and more in this Mad-About-It episode of ATR!

To hear the complete episode, click here.
10.4 mb, MP3 file

FBI's (ACT) is busy in L.A. & major TV art scam folied!

Getting its L.A. ACT in gear, the FBI foils forgery and fraud fakers who flim-flammed folks and filtched a fortune on TV.

And a certain Hollywood mogul will have a whale of a shark's tale to tell about his close encounter with stolen art.

Late INXS singer's personal items up on eBay - because brother Rhett Hutchence is in love!

It's no Jedi mind trick! Price for Obi Wan's cloak is out of this world!

All this and more in this episode of ATR!

To hear the complete episode, click here.
10.4 mb, MP3 file

Pay Pal's fob! & Legs of a goddess on eBay!

Pay Pal's security fobs the password-generating devices they say will play a serious role in preventing phishing and other I.D. theft schemes made their debut this week. Are they the answer for eBayers looking for a more secure deal?

A window to history, the one that served as the perch in the Texas School Depository the day Lee Harvey Oswald changed world events on a dark day in Dallas, is up for auction on eBay.

Art auctions remain white hot as a rare painting really brings home the Bacon for Christie's.

Finders keepers? Those little light boxes that found themselves stopping traffic and creating a real mess for the Cartoon Network have found their way to eBay. But are the sellers really the rightful owners?

Mariaha's Are the legs of a goddess and are up for grabs (pun intended), though these are not in the flesh here's another pun thing again, though they are helping a charity get a leg up (ditto).

All this and more in this epiosde of ATR!

To hear the complete episode, click here.
10.4 mb, MP3 file